Search is available in tool panel in the View. It enables you to search for results based on your own data and any geographical data.
Click the magnifying glass icon and type what you are looking for.
You can search for:
places (e.g. city, street = geographical data)
markers and areas (e.g. store, pick-up partner, restaurant, administrative unit. These are presented in your internal data.)
As you start typing the tool offers you relevant results. You can easily track the number of all results and specify your query. The results are ordered by the conformity to your query.
To exit the search tool click on the cross symbol in the upper right corner.
Select result
You can reach any result using arrow keys or scroll down with mouse or touchpad. Hovering across the result causes the object or area on map to become yellow so you can track its location. This doesn't work for places.
Select the result using enter key or mouse left-click. The map window then focuses to the selected object or area. In this case, infopanel displays all indicators available in the view. The values of indicators are recalculated for the selected object or area.
When you select a result from places the map window focuses to that area but it keeps you in search tool. That's because there are no data connected to that place in your database.
Refine search
"Refine search" enables you to control which types of places, objects or areas you want to include in the results given by search.
Once you chose different options from the default setting "Refine search" becomes blue. It means that the results will reflect your choice.
"Refine search" allows you to search the areas from other levels of granularity independently on selected level in Granularity menu and objects although they might be set as invisible in Objects tool. There is just one limitation - hovering across the result that is outside of granularity level or turned off objects doesn't cause the place, object or area on the map to become yellow and so you aren't able to track its location.
You can pick any result from the list and the granularity in Granularity menu will switch automatically according to your choice.